2016-12-07 Fourteen new publications uploaded!

FUNDRAISING NEWS 9 December : 3419 USD donated! Another 150 USD nibbled off the right-hand column! And we are nibbling off little bits of the backlog of publications too! Still three weeks to go before we close the books on this year, and start calculating how the budget for next year will look! Because we […]

ART Presents Two Gentlemen of Verona Sunday December 11th @ 2PM PST

Yes, Shakespeare wrote soap operas. Julia will go to any means to snare Protheus who lusts for Silvia who loves Valentine but must marry Sir Thurio, because her dad, the Duke, says so.  Avatar Repertory Theater presents two performances of The Two Gentlemen of Verona

A scene from 

The Two Gentlemen of Verona



Go there


  • Hypergrid address: grid.kitely.com:8002:Cookie II 
  • Put the hypergrid address in the Find box of World Map.  Click Find, TP
  • Find the walk-through teleporter to the ART theater parcel
  • Please come to Cookie II in advance of the show if you possibly can
  • so that you will already have visual assets cached in your viewer.
  • Please take a seat as soon as you arrive (right click on a seat, choose sit


Actors in order of appearance Iain McCracken, Sam Brautigan, Em Jannings, Pipsqueak Albatross, Madame Thespian, JadaBright Pond and Ada Radius. Adapted, produced and directed by Ada Radius and Em Jannings.

  • www.avatarrepertorytheater.org  is a project of www.newmediaarts.org
  • a nonprofit organization tax exempt under IRC 501(c)(3). 
  • Donations are gratefully accepted.  
  • Actors and Directors receive a small honorarium for their services.  
  • Your contributions help make that payment possible.  

2016-11-30 Eleven new publications uploaded

PRIORITIES, PRIORITIES In view of the approaching deadline for fundraising, first the fundraising, and then the publications! FUNDRAISING NEWS These last two weeks, 182 dollars donated. Thank you! Every dollar brings the shortfall down! Because we may not make our goal, the maximum of small donations has been lowered to USD 1200. I had hoped to be […]

2016-11-23 Nine new publications uploaded

In view of the approaching deadline for fundraising, first the fundraising, and then the publications – first the sour, then the sweet, as a former politician used to say when announcing budget cuts and other unpleasant measures. Since doing bookkeeping cuts into time I’d otherwise spend on publishing, again, again, it’s been more than a […]

2016-11-12 Eight new publications added

  NEW PUBLICATIONS on http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/news.htm Before proceeding to the publications (delayed yet again, but to make up for that even more than last time) I’d like to mention that the fundraising appears to have slowed down considerably (to say the least). We will not get even close to our goal if that does not pick up […]

2016-10-27 Seven new publications uploaded

NEW PUBLICATIONS on http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/news.htm I’ll take this opportunity to give special thanks to Jackie Isler and Charles Kite, who took our mission to preserve our heritage quite personally, and donated their family archive of craft material, and to Iva Innocenti, who donated whatever we would want from her own archive. We would like to publish all […]

2016-10-13 Six new publications uploaded

NEW PUBLICATIONS on http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/news.htm   http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/G-SR001.htm A simple embroidery pattern, depending for its effect mainly on the chosen colors. Nice curly outline gives a lively effect. This pattern is also present on a band sampler made by Sarah Bland, currently in the Victoria and Albert museum collection, and that sampler is dated 1860-1870. It’s the sampler […]

2016-10-04 Five new publications uploaded

NEW PUBLICATIONS on http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/news.htm http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/G-LL001.htm Chair seat needlepoint pattern “Gothic Flair” There must be lots of chairs with a stripe across the back and the seat. This chair seat is one of them, images donated by ebay seller loodylady and charted by Linda Walker. (On a Mac, no less…) It shows how you can upholster a […]

2016-09-28 Four new publications uploaded

NEW PUBLICATIONS on http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/news.htm     http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/G-TP027.htm Small rose garland embroidery, image donated by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Making a chart off a completed embroidery is usually morework than re-charting a painted pattern. When I had completed this (and of course only after completion, Murphy’s Law) we had a several images of patterns donated […]