2021-08-10 New Publication: Andreas Bretschneider’s Neues Modelbuch

NEW PUBLICATION Go to https://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org to see the new publication. E-WM050 A. Bretschneider’s Neues Modelbuch Nineteenth Century reprint of the pattern book of Andreas Bretschneider, edition of 1619. 46 pattern pages. The blank pages have been omitted. All whitework or color embroidery, no filet or cross-stitch patterns. This reprint contains leaves from different original copies. Additional links […]

2021-01-05 New Publications: Make and Mend for Victory, review of Button Gardens, and a fruitful garland

FUNDRAISING NOW! – Goal: 6000 USD – So far 4656.31 USD – 1343.69 USD to go! Donate now to support the Antique Pattern Library project to pay for such things as database and website development, web hosting costs, data entry, scanning equipment, and help us meet the public funding ratio, which allows us to keep […]