2022-07-31 New Publication: Blueprint filet crochet motif womans head

NEW PUBLICATION F-IS007 Blueprint crochet medallion Small crocheted square motif, filet crochet, a medallion showing the head of a woman, rotated 45 degrees. Printed as blueprint from an actual crocheted original. Scans donated by Jackie Isler, from the collection of her grandmother Helen Balmat Gorman. FUNDRAISING Donate  to support the Antique Pattern Library project to […]

2022-07-20 New Publication: Star Book 35 – Hats and Bags and Beanies

NEW PUBLICATION M-TK003 Star Book 35 – Hats and Bags and Beanies 24 pages including covers, softcover. All kinds of head-covers, inspired by various famous paintings. Beret, snood, headband, pillbox, even a Flemish drape. Several matching bags are included. From the collection of Tina Kaczanowski, scanned by Sandra Bejster, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.   FUNDRAISING […]